Some Of Us Are Less Lonely Thanks to Social Media, Thank You Very Much

Why do we blame tech for everything?

Matt Mason
3 min readFeb 19, 2024


Photo by Eaters Collective on Unsplash

There are many mantras I am sick of hearing. Nobody wants to work anymore is one of them, usually from companies who are doing everything in their power to put up barriers between themselves and hiring the right candidate. Then there is everyone has a disorder these days from everyone who had no problem labelling kids “problem child”.

Which brings me to the parroted mantra that’s been going on for some 25 years now: the internet and social media are responsible for the loneliness of the youth.

If you’ve never felt isolated from society or that you’re the odd one out, congratulations on having the chance of birth that allowed you to fit in and experience no difficulties in life. It must be great to live in a world where people didn’t go out of their way to point out how different you are and make you feel shitty for it, where an undiscovered mental illness, queer identity, or neurodivergence marked you out as different, but nobody had a word to describe it. They just knew you were different and they never let you forget it.

Genuinely, congratulations.

I am 48 and my experiences of social media are vastly different. Social media gave me community. It helped me:



Matt Mason

Creatively curious lifelong writer. I use Medium to discuss asexuality, childfree living, Doctor Who, and sometimes even politics - not all of it serious.