Matt Mason
1 min readDec 19, 2022


Even as I've become older I'm still uncomfortable with the idea that I'm owed respect purely because of my age, and that I have a license to say and do what I like without recourse.

This generation is different. They've seen people my age and older vote away their futures. They're seeing climate change imposed on them by generations who won't have to live with the consequences.

In the US they've seen Trump - quite possibly the worst man to ever hold office - get elected enthusiastically by a generation who claim to have wisdom through age and therefore who ought to know better, but do not show that wisdom they claim to have in abundance.

Here in the UK, the same is true of Brexit - people older than I am and even many my age, imposed Brexit on them taking away their futures for consequences those who voted for it will not have to live with long-term in one massive nostalgia fetish for a past that is never going to return.

Their grandparents and parents vote away their futures, vote to make them poorer again and again, and then rote learn right wing talking points about them wasting all their money on lattes.

Yes... if we want respect, we need to listen to their concerns instead of dismissing and patronising them.



Matt Mason

Creatively curious lifelong writer. I use Medium to discuss asexuality, childfree living, Doctor Who, and sometimes even politics - not all of it serious.