Chelsea Handler Makes Video — Matt Walsh Has Meltdown

Matt Mason
2 min readFeb 19, 2023

Before last week, I had no idea who either of these people are. It was Walsh who brought the video to my attention after he whined on Twitter about the video (no I don’t follow him, I saw a response to his tweet). So away I went to watch it.

Photo by Somnox Sleep on Unsplash

In the video, Chelsea Handler mocks the “mompreneur” videos that so typically flood Instagram and TikTok from the perspective of a childfree woman’s day. But the real humour was in how she used all the tropes that parents assume and regurgitate about childfree people (women in particular) every single day.

Rachel Presser wrote a great summary of the piece which I would implore you to read. I’m going to come at the subject from a different angle from Rachel’s excellent work here especially her perspective as an American woman.

Many, Walsh included, failed to see either the humour or the irony in the video — hence Walsh’s meltdown.

It’s odd really, because you’d think those very people who think childfree women spend all day drinking and sleeping, hooking up with random men and…



Matt Mason

Creatively curious lifelong writer. I use Medium to discuss asexuality, childfree living, Doctor Who, and sometimes even politics - not all of it serious.